Saucedo big win.
Tonight in Vegas 30/06 Saucedo won over Fredrickson on points by unanimous decision, the match was intense, and in recent...
Tonight in Vegas 30/06 Saucedo won over Fredrickson on points by unanimous decision, the match was intense, and in recent...
cover image by youtube Stanotte 30/06 in Las Vegas. Saucedo ha vinto su Fredrickson ai punti per decisione unanime, il...
Curious boxing evening tonight. junior welterweight;Saucedo vs Fredrickson, Vargas vs Briceno and Bauza vs Fryers and the middle weight Stubbs...
Stanotte a Las Vegas curiosa serata di boxe, i primi tre match light-welterweight; Saucedo congro Fredrickson, Vargas vs Briceno e...
It was mid-July 2009, on the 16th to be specific. I don’t know how but Emiliano Pisani succeeded in getting...
Ricordi di pugilato Era metà luglio del 2009; il 16, per l’ esattezza. Non so come, ma Emilio Pisani era...
Tonight (27-06-2020) we witnessed a nice boxing evening What we didn't like was Berchelt's victory in the sixth round against...
Stanotte(27-06-2020) abbiamo assistito ad una bella serata di boxe Quello che non ci è piaciuto è stato la vittoria di...
Tonight Azteca Tv offers an interesting boxing meeting; Berchelt he will do match event; Berchelt will fight lightweight, he is...
Stanotte TV Azteca propone una interessante riunione di boxe, il clou è affidato a Berchelt. Berchelt combatterà da leggero, lui...