Lomachenko against Lopez, 4 belts, one champion.

Vasyl Lomachenko will fight against Teofilo Lopez.


Now Loma has won two Olympic gold medals, always coached by his father .. he is a natural featherweight, this is very very important to remember. It is spectacular to watch his movements, his speed, his angles, how he dodges how he returns, how he hits, even how he collects, he never stands still in the defense phases, he is not a moving target perhaps the only clean shot he has collected. is that of Linares, the other strokes that have grazed or taken, have never been clear clean, a movement of the head, trunk, legs is always followed, he has superhero reflexes, the only limit, it doesn’t hurt if he had also had a decent punch, he would have closed his matches between 1 and 5 round to exaggerate, given his mobility, and his innate and supernatural technical tactical intelligence, here is Vasyl briefly. He has lost only once as an amateur there is talk of something like 396 only one defeat, current world champion of three acronyms, in the light and comes from the feather and super feather.


Having said that, let’s see who this Teofilo Lopez is.

His father begins to train him at 6 years old, as an amateur he wins a Golden Gloves, and a youth bronze always at the Golden,150-20 amateur record, Olympic qualification with Honduras, ended in a defeat with those who will then lose the gold. the Olympics, and in 4 years he is IBF world champion.

Because it will be a great challenge, and because my needle hangs on the side of the American.

Lopez hurts, very badly, he’s fast, he’s got jaw to sell, he’s 23, he’s in the prime of his full youth and he’s strong and he’s not a light weight, he goes down to light weight but he’s a natural welterweight .., and the thing that impresses me the most are his improvements that is how he evolves exponentially, his way of boxing;


What we will see, on the one hand Loma who will change angles, move his legs and bring hits; but be careful because it is smaller, let’s not forget this factor !!! they are two generations fighting, two very different worlds two very different physicalities Loma is a feather, Teo is a welterweight ..

That said, to Vasyl’s leg movement, Teo will oppose his speed and his direct right; Vasyl will literally do what as an amateur he has been doing for over two decades to turn on his right side, not to get caught and always give rhythm to the match, and will keep the initiative; he cannot allow the American to do it, it is devastating Lopez, he would go in the wrong direction, he has to hit him and move, if he stays in front of him for a split second more, we will find out how much jaw the Ukrainian boy has and if he will be able to replicate , after taking a clear blow, because the American will put clear blows, and Hi Tech, he will be called to do what he has never done, take clean blows, and then continue in his boxing textbook movements, and in the long run the age difference will come out, it is true that Loma is young, but he is a false young man, because he has fought a thousand battles, and will suffer from it compared to the American.

So on one side I turn, I move I take shots to change the corner, on the other I cut the ring and I face him ready to put my right hand, but not only that, after having tested how bad the boy from the East who lives in California really does.

For this it will be a great match, because they are two phenomena; one undisputed insuperable but lacking in power, and on the other a man so young (who is faster than Loma, but hurts with all the shots and especially with that right right, which we remember is the only shot at the moment, which he put down Hi Tech, that if he wins (which I predict) he will go straight to the superlight Lopez gets excited when he is hit and knows he will put his shots back, he feels really invincible, and maybe at the moment he is in that category . But let’s not forget that Loma is Loma. During some interventions on TV, I seemed to see Loma a little more thoughtful, Lopez more serene and more convinced. He did trash talk which we don’t like, but he’s only 23 years old. tried in every way for this challenge, we certainly do not justify it, but we understand, the moment. It will be a challenge where we will see shots from multiple angles, with a speed of execution to make us shiver. It will be a super challenge where two champions they will give everything they have to win, a Going beyond the boundaries of reality, it would be nice to be able to see them live, a dream. Good fight guys.


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