Wins for Yarde and Kavaliaskas

In two different and distant places in the world, the Yarde and Kavaliauskas boys do their homework well.
One in Las Vegas Egidijus, the other in London Anthony.

Yarde completely dominated Dec Spelman, he started calmly, maybe the first shot went to his English colleague, maybe he did a bit more, but as the shots went on, the demolition gave its results; round after round, until the final result occurred on the sixth round; a bit of discussion perhaps due to a too severe stop by the referee, someone thought, no just a way to protect Dec who is a good cashier, but he would be hurt too much, because Yarde is lethal, if you don’t have a fist to contain him .
What we did not like: he took too many hits, it is in the instinct of the boxer, when he perceived that the opponent did not hurt just enough, the defense became more of a dancer, it is a fact.


Egidijus won in the eighth round against Zewsky; here too the difference in power and a little technique made the difference; the Canadian boy held his own in the initial part, but when Kavaliauskas started to accelerate and bring his combinations, Mikael could not, nothing more, indeed in our opinion he also reached the eighth well, but he does not have that power, the same goes for for Dec in London, to stop his opponent.
Egidijus’ action in pressing him and delivering the shots became incessant round after round until the final conclusion, which we knew beforehand.

Now new opponents and new goals await both winners. What can I say, that even here, we did not like the defensive part very much, Egidijus has collected too many hits, visible at the end of the match, but this is a sport that does not make discounts, for more rated opponents both he and his English colleague will have to improve this defense, since they have one of lethal power, and he of good power.

cover image Courtesy Queensberry Promotion