Lopez and Bam Bam

On Saturday 29 in Miami Lopez defends his title against Claggett; it should be all downhill for him..but you know boxing is a risky sport..Steve doesn’t have the numbers to worry Teo who if he has done his homework well mentally will close before the limit…

in Arizona between Francisco Estrada and Bam Bam Rodriguez the WBC super fly title; this will be a great great match; on one side the phenomenon Bam Bam who has already defeated many of the best in the world, although very young, and on the other side a solid fighter already world champion; a stellar challenge, Estrada has it all; but Bam Bam has shown although very young, that he has something more than all his opponents in this category; he possesses a q.i.t. of another category..he is really incredible he has an ability to anticipate and bring series that makes you stunned, he is asphyxiating but at the same time careful meticulous technical and beating; let’s say in our opinion he is the future Monster..here; pace eye timing serious blows, not least Francisco who boasts experience; why he will lose in our opinion, because athletically he can’t hold a candle( besides the gap mentioned before) but this will be seen towards the end in the last rounds, on points for Bam Bam after a succession of actions that will make us understand why we love this sport.

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