Ole Ole Ole Ole

Usyk performed his (in our opinion) last masterpiece( we think he will retire undefeated..)against a great great great great boxer G.KING.

the match was resounding; an initial study part won by Ole, then a growth by Fury, then a disruptive comeback by Usyk who as he grew and with those stinging blows of his brought 13 or 14 rounds before the referee counted out a dull Tyson who then, miraculously returned to his corner and continued to fight, impeaching Ole until the twelfth.

what to say an epic battle between two Boxing Monsters, but class and (in our opinion the best indeed perfect game plan brought victory to the stronger Usyk)

we saw how amazingly difficult and hard this sport really is and in this category the perceptive visibity is definitely greater; blows landed on both sides and the will to win that was perpetuated and manifested in every single moment;dodges blows landed blows put back; and always there on the edge; waiting to see that blow that could have changed the match in every moment; really a great great great great boxing match.

What could we say; well technically G.K. did not bring a right jab and few, few left hooks; certainly profitable that right uppercut that went in several times; like his jab, but in our opinion he should have brought that right jab and in the exchanges to the average he should have dictated his law; which however he could not do, as he never found himself with his combasso able to put the right; but probably wanted by his staff. .and this we regret as we think and are convinced that with a different game plan the match could have had a different result,but it is the fantasy of a peako staff, against the staff of a champion….

Usyk is really phenomenal, as already said an ability to hold his blows ( in our opinion he is iron) out of the boxing boxing box, I would be curious to know how he did it,who I say,to make him count as an amateur at the world championship it seems to me…eh yes…

Usyk is really a phenomenon but we knew that, there is no technical observation to be made in his technical-tactical conduct none, perfect!!!

Fury despite the defeat is the second heavyweight in the world no doubt and we will see….

Usyk the champion among champions!!!