
Saturday night in Australia we witnessed, the match between the Australian boy Kambosos against Loma; about Loma there is nothing to say; almost perfect he has no punch otherwise he would at least belt the title in two other weight categories…

Perfect technique, perfect movements ,unbelievable timing, perfect defense every move serves to come back shorten defend and then strike; and if he decides, when he decides, it is to bring his stinging series surgical and embarrassing to the recipient… in one round he brought 21 shots to score against 1 of Kambosos; it was obvious that it was going to end this way; even if we thought that the good oceanic fitghter was going to make it to the twelfth; we would not have expected a total absence of blocking prevent or limit the damage, but so it was; Kambosos who defeated Lopez ( thanks to no one knows what mistake of the Lopez team) comes out very very downsized from this match. .he has a great organization behind him, but we don’t think he has a chance to be at the top to win anything…here…the scene is full of phenomena and except for a few twists and turns…

Loma is really amazing, he does what he used to do as an amateur; he stuns you, only he is 37 years old but to us he looked like an eternal kid( clear much easier when on the side you have one who really never found a solution to avoid or limit the continuous actions..)

Loma is really unbelievable, he does what he used to do as an amateur; he stuns you, only he’s 37 years old but to us he looked like an eternal kid( clear much easier when you have a guy in there who really never found a solution to avoid or limit the continuous actions..)

great Loma IBF world champion ;( Tkank issued him a challenge…watch out…) and we’ll see…he never turned one down…

yahoo foto