Dmitry Pirog

Dmitry Pirog

Great middle weight (20.15ko) one of the best in history who retired in 2013, began to win minor titles in 2007 and continues to win until 2010, in that year he won a world championship and retired undefeated and in 2013, his last match is from 2012.

At 29 he faced Danile Jacobs, who was 23, and destroyed him, and here I want to highlight the difficulty of the technicians who lead someone; how can you face a boy (Jacobs), still not in his full competitive maturity, a sacred monster like Pirog; one who retired from an unspecified back problem, which was followed by other injuries.

It is a mix between Charlo with straight and not only deadly blows, an eye to Ward and an ability to return and hit deadly; adorable to see his matches, rhythm precision power speed. Really a great boxer.

Perfect dodges; that use of the shoulder in transforming the compass and closing in a masterful defense, giving no reference to the opponent, adorable in the movements, the strokes, movements in and out and back, the right one that crosses the left of Jacobs, still repeat inexperienced to fight him, while Jacobs brings him back, Pirog throws him crossing and off; finished!

After that match, however, injuries or some big problem starts to hit him, he wins, but he is no longer the same. Fantastic boxer !! would have been a great match with GGG, and not only.

Boxing is a sport that may or may not like it, but when these people go into the ring, these champions cross the sixteen ropes, everyone likes boxing, because they are fantastic athletes, and in the elegance of the movements even when they hit, they become tango dancers, and balancers; remaining with your feet on the ground, making that desire to be there grow inside the heart of the beholder …

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