Munguia stop Ryder

Munguia we have known for a long time… he has grown a lot and continues to improve; he started out as a welterweight but began to do well as a superwelter and middleweight with a world crown and now at 27 years of age he is fighting in the supemedi and is world champion and very young… he is not a phenomenon but he is phenomenal. He knows the basics well, follows his corner to the letter and works and trains hard. Against Ryder he showed very good boxing. A search for that right hook (which given Ryder’s structure) went well with the move… but having said that we saw up to the ninth round how when you lead a great round your opponent comes back with other timing and other types of boxing and blows, varying the rhythm and makes you lose a couple of rounds and you need a moment to understand how to take countermeasures and make a new plan of work.

Ryder went down once already in the second but he was never tamed until the eighth..or rather the ninth where he had no more given the two knockdowns and the other prceding and given the ability of the Mexican to land shots with a speed and precision of a world champion, which is great timing followed by beautiful blows and weights this on both sides; clear that on the part of the Mexican the blows and their effectiveness made the table lay on the English boy; but what beautiful boxing that was seen with so much desire to win on the part of these two warriors, but pure warriors . .some of Ryder’s movements with his right arm found the Mexican really unprepared, but he always reacted and showed that he also has a remarkable cin (and we knew it); like an incredible ability to put himself back there in high guard and rework and bring those really tremendous blows that are beautiful and deadly. A real challenge that goes to the strongest best bravest most daring most complete; great match!

we love boxing thank you warriors

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