Saturday weight heavy

What a night it will be here in Europe and in America
Here Usyk will face Dubois, the bettors give him 10 to 1; in our opinion Dubois is not yet ready for this fight, the management of a champion like him has been wrong (potentially formidable, but management which leaves something to be desired for the boxer…) but having said that, if Ole is distracted for a single moment in the first rounds, Daniel’s right hand is devastating…well, this is unlikely but it could happen…it will be a great match…Ole is in an inhuman state of psychophysical form…top.
the card is honestly not up to the main event but what a main event we have.
In the USA Anderson challenges Rudenko over ten rounds, he will win but he will sweat and in our opinion he still has to work hard on the defensive phases of the offense, before him the giant Ajagba against Kossolbutskiy here the bettors have not expressed themselves, we will express ourselves, Ajagba will lose and he will risk even before the limit; His opponent is a great technical fighter who hurts; great amateur past and he is a Kazakh, he is small so the game plan will have to be perfect, because in his one-sidedness Ajagba is devastating this is undeniable, only that he does a one-sided boxing here. .
In the card, just to make sure we don’t miss anything, there are some great future talents, including Ali Walsh as a middleweight and Abdullah, that young man trained by Mr. Floyd… this is a great card.
we will wake up and start catching some planes..
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