Big Bud undisputed

It was a great night of boxing in Las Vegas, the kind that will get people talking and talking and talking.

Spence could do nothing let’s face it against Bud; he may have taken the first round home but he sensed early on that things were not going to go well; Crawford is faster better he has more timing and his active defense, that is, cashing in a blow properly and then putting it back in made the difference. Errol tried to make the match, but his strikes were not so effective, rather they always found a Bud intent on dodging or cashing in activamene and then putting back deadly combinations; we saw among several strikes a right uppercut …since he fought in guard surda …noble art master athlete’s strike …here.

that lightning fast jab that paved the way for his series and always unhinged Truth’s potential attacks…a highly spectacular match, made up of continuous reversals, but which always highlighted Bud’s absolute control over the match, the younger American was very stout, and he really tried to do his best and bring everything…but the referee did well to interrupt him because the punishment was beginning to get too heavy he was almost kd on his feet…

At the end of the seventh after the second kd, remembering the first in the second, Crawford touched Errol on the arm as if to say, ei don’t come back I don’t want to keep hitting you like that.. say we saw the gesture like that…and maybe he had better listen to it also because already by the end of the second round Spence’s face was marked by the lethal blows of Bud who showed as if we needed it, that he is really deadly; his reading of his opponent’s action, his defense, his restarts his surgical blows, really I say really impressive; there is talk of a rematch as a supewelter, I hope it doesn’t happen because Truth really doesn’t have the means, (like no one else in the world as a welter) to counter him

He will have cashed how many blows Crawford, clean I think 3..really disarming, here we are talking about world champions facing each other, and how do you beat this the moment you don’t beat him in fact no one beats him, the speed of his arms, and the ability to find that opening to strike which then turns into deadly blow, what a show Crawford.

what a match guys really spectacular, thank you Bud

in the evening an eye on Cuban superweleter Yoenis Tellez who in the third round electrocuted Garcia the Spaniard if he trains and does not change his ways …we will hear about him..

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