Haney Nakatani Valdez Muratalla

We really would have liked to be; great night of boxing but when we say great it equals amazing. In the underclou Muratalla wins in the second by knockout, we don’t like his defense but it hurts, maybe a little premature the stoppage but we certainly didn’t see something the referee saw…. Valdez dominates blue noise with a good match between two fighters one who has something to say at the world level and the other orbiting a top ten.

Nakatani overwins against a very good ex-world fighter such as Moloney; a kd in the second for the Australian, then a bad cut ( clash of heads in the third cashes the Japanese) and then battle led by the Japanese but with a never tame Moloney until the eleventh where another takedown came ( we there would have stopped the fight and Andrew would have gone home intact) but boxing is also made of pride; that however given not the best tactics, fatigue and a very intense match indeed, resulted in Moloney cashing in a left with seconds to go that dropped him to the ground; the referee kept repeating defend himself, after the kd, because he had seen him in trouble, but the corner did not intervene, too bad; he stopped on the left jab of the Japanese who gave him no chance with seconds to go in an epic match; (it would have been nicer if he had finished on his feet but boxing gives no chance)strong this new world champion beautiful to look at and young twenty-five years old, unbelievable, jaw timing and does poorly.

And we come to the super match; Haney won and so far nothing new but how he won; he got the tactics wrong these Americans if they had some familiarity in the elementary rules of movements they would be invincible, fortunately they are not perfect tactically; Devin tried to keep Loma away with that beautiful and effective jab; Loma slowly so to speak, because at some stages the jabs from the speed were not seen, he would come in put his sets and disappear as well as hit with the left jab; Haney put the heavier jabs worked a lot to the body, he perhaps insisted with the post left right uppercut,maybe sometimes a right jab even short would have gone in; but he won. The match was balanced we knew, we don’t know why he chose Loma, maybe because besides having the numbers he wanted to test some things Devin and so it was; for his part we saw a fresh Loma fast and incredibly ready to use his head there is no telling, he is the best fighter on the ground as far as tactics are concerned at the moment, that is he has an ability to come out of trouble impressive; really a good fight in our opinion the victory goes to Haney as predicted, also because he brought under some very very strong blows; Loma we repeat is an artist of the ring he gave proof of how good he is at dodging or taking a dirty blow, getting back in and striking and getting out; Haney young and with so much hunger gave proof that he can still improve and he is the champion nice nice nice fight

foto yahoo