Romero Moloney, win…

We love boxing; based on what we know we make predictions, we have no news of the utlimo second having said that.

Romero won the WBA title, losing the match yes losing the match; he looked like a distant relative of that Romero who is fast careful carries the sets; he took many blows from Barroso very respectable boxer, who did not at all hint that he has forty years on his shoulders, indeed if Mr. Referee had not stopped the match prematurely ( a little we were impressed by Barroso’s non-reaction) at a stage that had seen Romero put down his opponent who however in the second kd blatantly had been pushed by young Rolly. An episode that really hurts boxing, we would have liked to see if in three remaining rounds Rolly would have impressed or put down the valiant Barroso, or who knows what, or we might even have witnessed a scandalous verdict, but we will never know; Rolly won( thanks to abysmal help from the refree) and the curtain came down and boxing weeps;

Similar fate but less dirty than this the victory of Moloney over Astrolabe, in our opinion had won the fresher Filipino always on the attack many blows many leg movements to bring single blow and series ; but here again after twelve rounds a result we did not like in favor of the albeit strong Australian boxer, but he had not won.

boxing shows us these sad pages as if the strongest should go on, even if he was not in those twelve rounds, as if a subject that makes more viewers must win the one that increases ppv viewings; we would like the one who was strongest between the twelve ropes at that time to win.

Alimkhanuly vs. Butler won in the second round with a master stroke; here the referee should have stopped the match immediately instead he let poor Butler continue who was knocked out on his feet; refree is a serious job must be known for the safety of the boxers; there was no sense in putting him back after the first landing in the ring he was helpless straight legs dull eye unmistakable signs, however…what a bad Saturday in boxing.

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