Big Big Tank

What a spectacle boxing was; at ringside the great personalities of entertainment from music and film enjoyed a truly incredible show;

Tank is Tank! started off slow and Garcia tried to hit him right away try to impose an aggressive boxing, but he didn’t flinch indeed, in the second after an exchange he put one of those shots of his that sent the very talented kid down and from there something little changed; for a couple of rounds Ryan more careful but still ready to hit, Tank scrupulous ready to put back and start to totally control his opponent; blows landed but exchanges avoided by Ryan after the kd, the sixth is won by him but on the seventh in an exchange, due to overconfidence; a phenomenal over blow and an under blow make the Californian prodigy put his foot down, and he can’t continue because the under blow paralyzed him completely; no damage for him in fact in our opinion it was lucky for him because he is always intact; because the problem when you fight with certain champions who have dynamite is that you risk not being the same;

tactically the match was set up very badly by Ryan team, but he is now established in boxing; the few times he put the right jab and the left hook went in, but the direction of his body was going to meet the left jab of Tank, who is by the way mobilized quicker; of course when you fight a man faster than you, with a powerful welter punch and who also possesses a good jaw, unlike you the chances of vittoira as the rounds go by, are greatly reduced; but the let’s say seven rounds were beautiful, intense pleasant tactics and highlighted limits and merits of two champions of whom one now but also before, is a star in the boxing firmament; as he said at the end of the interview, years ago he watched his idols as an amateur and now he is there among his idols; what a sight it must be to be able to be where you wanted to be when you were young, the joy in his eyes indescribable.

Tank is really deadly, almost perfect; Ryan did what he could, we liked him he improved, but in our opinion he can do better, but he was good…nice his words at the end of the match; he’s a great champion I lost, words before the match are bullshit; handshake and go, we like this a lot.

Co main event Mr. Morell Jr, not that we think we needed it, but he sent a message to world boxing, he won in less than one round against Falcao who is a top ten; but nothing could

Morell is from another planet and he will be a star because he trains he is phenomenal, he hurts he has a frightening angle of blows he can double with the uppercut that is really amazing; from another planet, and already he is clamoring to raise the bar, beyond his WBA, he will be another ‘star in the firmament, how we like him.

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