Tszyu, Takam

what good boxing is.

Tim won more than deservedly against the only man who at the time defeated Charlo;who in the second round then had a rematch and lost soundly; Tim showed himself to be very solid, endowed with good punch and always ready to inock to attack the unfortunate man of the round; a step forward and excellent blows; good right lefts, uppercut hooks also lefts, in short a good quality and quantity of blows, which extinguished the American’s foibles; it jumps out that Tony does not have a great jaw, but in the end he was a man who was able to make a good boxing night, and to put the Australian boy in technical difficulty, who answered blow after blow; the match was very good tactical competitive and this Australian boy starts to materialize his dreams; now this challenge against super Charlo awaits him, well we’ll see what will happen we are really curious; tonight we liked him and he showed he has the numbers, primary technique but hard and interesting blows; good chin, little imagination and a lot of substance.

in Europe the good Tankam rules for sd Yoka; who has to downsize his plans; Yoka does not hurt and in our opinion if you don’t hurt, let’s say hurt, in these heavyweights you can’t get a good chair; Yoka was an Olympic medalist, but the pro world wants more tears of sweat and blood for you to enter a certain Olympus.Good fight surely undoubtedly undoubtedly the victory of the African big guy with residence in USA.

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