Inoue, Inoue, Inoue;

Well I don’t know what to say about this super fighter probably best pound for pound along with The King.

On the match there is little to say; he led by chasing a good Butler who tried to resist in every way…. the first series the English boxer put it on in the third round toward the middle; first he moved to keep the clean blows from coming in and cashed in some deadly series; and the script was repeated until the eleventh; where a tremendous series closed the match, stoic indeed the conduct of Butler, who did all he could indeed more; there was no match because he does not hurt, and if you do not hurt you do not stop Inoue; he advances like a rhinoceros defending his territory; deadly series of six seven blows all on target, not clean but on target, and here to admire the defensive artistry of the English boy; who, however, eventually collapsed; Inoue went back to the corner as if to say, but when he collapses, I am here work I bring the blows and he always stands; from the sixth onwards the pace changed, less relentless but always deadly blows and devastating series, Butler began to put back a few blows, but so light were his punches that on a few occasions the Japanese boxer’s behavior seemed almost irreverent, and defiant, an invitation to be hit and then trade. It was all like this until the eleventh round where the exhausted body collapsed to the mat.Incredible to see a world champion against another who takes the middle of the ring, carries sets moves around the ring carrying sets without ever stopping to breathe…in the first six rounds…and then a continuation of escalating action, less sets but more explosive, what a spectacle!!!

Inoue is from another planet, at the moment there is no one who can impress him, deadly punch timing, jaw, technique; what can I say: nothing The Monster!!!

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