Lopez B.B. Crawford

As mentioned great evening of boxing in different places on planet earth.

Crawford studies his opponent resumes the eye and puts on a series so deadly that in the sixth round a good Avanesyan, goes down and can’t get up; the match has simply established because David is one of the top five in the world by initials, and Bud is Bud.

B.B. in the second round takes out but not only literally, he takes out a fighter like Jerry Forrest, a solid heavyweight with good experience endowed with cin technique, but B.B.’ explosiveness combined with his technique to his kdp and his will to win, left no room for good Jerry who in the second seeing the incessant series, was stopped by the excellent refree.

Lopez won his challenge against Martin; but he did not shine, he was tense very tense; his game plan was pitiful against a southpaw, but in our opinion, his talent made the difference.

At the first one he took a blow that on his momentum, to hit the Spanish boy, led him to lose his balance and go already, the blow was there; and then it was a chase after a man who knows how to move around the ring and put back blows and since he is fast anyway from boredom. The ‘incredible mistake of Teofilo was to always position himself inside Sandon’s left so much that he was always hit by his remittance right hook; he should have done another job, completely different to manage and lead the match from the beginning to the end, which he then does..in our opinion Teo’s dad, should stop teaching his son, or find a tactician and work with him, Lopez has great potential and in our opinion he could do well in this category,but he really needs someone to manage him for the match and that is not the dad good match but very tactical, Martin must be credited with having very good timing and being able to box really on the remittance, and the Spaniard’s physicality certainly helps, we don’t like him not because he boxes on the remittance, on the contrary. simply because in some circumstances he doesn’t exchange ( clearly you have to be very careful and it’s dangerous) however you can’t not exchange and then mock your opponent; if you faced him openly . ..maybe yes..but if he didn’t you have to shut up..Lopez won especially when in the last round he put that right hand under and over, there it blatantly showed the technical gap between the two, but bravo to Sandon also.

Zayas of the night won after eight good rounds, where he put every series possible and imaginable on a Salazar who showed himself to be a very good fighter, in the end a little lacking in the post defensive phase, but really a very good fighter to hold his own against the talented Xander who step by step is going to get to the top, he is good he trains assiduously and in our opinion, he has great numbers. Of the night also Davis who dominates Burgos, in the sense that he controls a man with incredible experience and that in his palmares defeats with world champions from where he came out well, well last night he came out battered, but with his head held high, this to evindicate the prowess of this very young talent 23 years old who already knocks at the door of the big boys in a category full full of phenomena; this makes us crazy about American boxing, that you have very young world champions and you have ready-made phenomena behind them; this kid made a hell of a match combination shots great defense and incredible timing, a super technician with a killer punch, we will see some great things with him.

foto yahoo