Garcia easy win

Ryan Garcia won, easy finish and clear supremacy also because Fortuna did not want to fight after cashing some blows;

From the technical point of view Ryan, closed or rather formalized the victory against this southpaw, he has not improved technically since he left Reynoso to rely on Gooessen; also in this match he cashed some blows ( all boxers cash them ) but we did not like how he cashed them, he was on the line of Fortuna’s blow, his left foot was always inside the body of his opponent; it is clear that he has considerable power, but against the likes of Tank ,Haney ,Teo when you have cashed in one of those blows you hardly react ( different speech for Haney who does not have that power, but technical gifts that stun you from his speed and accuracy ). That’s why Ryan is a good element but in our opinion he won’t make the leap coem a p4p, because he is not improving, his technique is always the same, in fact he doesn’t know how to box even remittance, something that a boxer with his size is a superwelter to see him so should know how to do, given the stature of his opponents. in short he is strong he has GBP that protects him, but he won’t be a super champion; too bad he would have the means he should work differently.

on the match little to say; wrong technical approach but the speed and power of his blows, against an opponent less in everything than him, even in the will to fight, made the difference, in short a match to keep him there in preparation for more probing events, but we doubt he can win against his peers world and category champions; but people like Ryan and he makes the boxing machine run, we hope he lasts as long as possible.