Fundora Amazing fight !!!

The match between Ryan and Togoe went as predicted, the victory of the American boy who seemed to regress in terms of technique, certainly more careful in the defensive phase, but highlighting strong offensive gaps that show a step backwards, given that his power combined with a good speed of execution of the blows, make him a winning weapon; the match was tactical, the African boy went around the ring to avoid being on the ropes and Garcia, cut him off trying to put his shots one by one, so as to look for that perfect shot that did not come; we did not like the match, the boy seemed a little rusty, but GBP will know how to oil the gears and weave plots.

The match between Lubin and Fundora was of a completely different caliber. Match that reminded me of an epic challenge that I won’t mention;

At the second Lubin goes down hit, by a tremendous uppercut, just before he had taken a deadly hook, he gets up, the gong saves him, there were two seconds left to the end of the round when he went down, and then he was counted; the third round is won by Lubin (which from our wrong predictions was stronger, also indicated by sparring sessions had between the two in the past …). )Match really memorable, exchanges from close deadly, Lubin tries to work from afar to bring the shots, but inevitably is in the range of Fundora that incessantly brings devastating blows and combinations, there is no moment of respite, the face of Lubin is marked the face of Fundora is marked; the price that Lubin has to pay to shorten and put the blows is really high, also because they are not barrage blows that Sebastian brings but short distance blows and we repeat those uppercuts that he was able to bring have really made the difference, they have really left an irrefutable mark for the victory of this megafight; Lubin was not able to contain the fury of Fundora; we had expected a more tactical match by Lubin with shots taken with timing and then go out quickly, but Fundora was ruthless did not leave spaces, indeed he dove into the spaces attacking his opponent, a boxing match with a boxing intensity of other times; Lubin has not been able to contain and remedy the deadly broadsides of a boy of 24 years old, who has made the athleticism and the desire to win combined with formidable boxing skills, which is in fact after this victory in the elite of boxing, that match that exchanges that intensity and that competitive boxing, really a masterpiece boxing exciting in the eyes of a neophyte and an expert in boxing, really nice. Remembering that at the seventh Fundora went down and there it seemed for a moment that things could change, but it was already at the beginning of the eighth that it was understood that there would be nothing more to do; the referee was very careful because the face of Lubin was really marked, even that of Sebastian but not like that of Lubin, at the ninth everything is over when it was decided not to return Lubin on the square.

Now there should be the challenge to the winner between Castano and Charlo, we think, perhaps because we are a little conservative towards the boxers that after such a battle there is to rest for at least eight ten months, active rest a month of relaxation always active bike, pool but very calmly, and then a gradual return to the gym, yes in short it would take, but here the time flies and the machines quiver to project shows like what we saw tonight.

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