Ugas your WBA

Tonight Ugas proved that Pac is not the same and time beats no one.

Ugas worked excellently he landed some shots, but except on a few occasions he was caught off guard, by that speed, those combinations that time would have made the difference.

In the ring Ugas won, careful and precise, a little bit at the beginning he brought some low blows, but basically he showed something more, he put more blows; the match was very tactical because on one hand the explosiveness and surprise factor was missing, what has contributed so far to make Pac infinite; history repeats itself, praise to Ugas, who defends his belt, and wins against a legend of boxing.

Ugas has waited for the action of Pac, except for the first round, in the others he has managed, almost always to cash in the best way the blows and to put back, a game that has allowed him to win, in addition to working with that jab to stem the road and open to his other actions, meticulous work scrupulous, careful; we repeat, not to underestimate Ugas, who is a great fighter, but the Cuban was facilitated by a Pac that has failed to express the speed and explosiveness that until now have always distinguished him, from everything and everyone, we are sorry but boxing is also this, the younger becomes better and ousts the legend.

when even in boxing there is a justice, this Pac against Spence would have suffered a painful punishment, Ugas hurts much less than Spence, in fact compared to him it doesn’t hurt…and Ugas has been recognized something, that in other matches he has not been granted.

Ugas now has, other important challenges that await him, Spence…One Time…we’ll see is he the champion. For Manny, probably a retirement from boxing, because time beats no one, and at these levels has lost by those who in this category is less painful, we are sorry, but you have to leave before it really hurts, and he knows it, has been so much in this world and has given us incredible shows, unimaginable, exciting, inimitable. Thank you Mr. Manny Pacquiao.