Amazing fight Charlo vs Castano

The fight between Charlo and Castano recently concluded, no one won draw.

The thing that struck me in this match is that there were really two boxers who were equivalent. The theme was this: Charlo work with his long blows and Castano always ready to return. In the short, where we expected a winning Jermell work, we were denied. Brian was very good, but what we were surprised to see, despite the blows taken, always be there to press Charlo, and almost put him in crisis at some junctures.

The match has seen this reason: Charlo working in the long run and Castano returning, always. We think that only in two moments of the match, Charlo’s superiority has been clearly seen, in a phase of the second round, and in a phase of the tenth round, where Castano has been good, after having clearly felt the blows, to move and finish the round, without giving target to Jermall, who has not been able to find the way to close the match. An element, to be considered was that between the seventh and eighth Castano, has crossed, the Charlo’s jab, clear sign that he lacked speed and that Brian had found the time to return. Incredible the fact that both boys in the exchanges, except for the moments in the second and tenth, have always been clear in controlling the situation, there has never been a moment, where there has been a loss of vision of the mtch, even Charlo who has suffered short hooks and right hands, has never given a sign of being at the mercy of Castano, and vice versa, if we repeat we exclude a juncture in the second and tenth round (over a juncture in the tenth).

Great boxers, great angles, great heads. Incredible Castano, always ready to shorten, but not only with the heart, but with the brain, with an incredible timing, and always ready to put back, after having cashed, some good series; perhaps in our opinion blows, clearly lucid and brought to one hundred percent clean, there were really few. Good offensive and defensive skills of both, the continued athletic freshness, the ability to collect and put back. Fantastic both in fouling shots, always. Incredible offensive and defensive qualities.

What could Charlo do to win in the case of a rematch? In our opinion he should decrease the timing to look for a clean shot and work with that jab to annoy Castano’s action, and work more on the body, increasing the series and bringing after the one-two a hook under, and try to put the uppercut to the face, a shot that could make the difference.

Great match, beautiful; continuous changes of face, phases of study and attack, few pauses, few thoughts, a continuum of actions, two different styles and a draw that can be very good.

Photo Amanda Westcot