Davis amazing WBA juniorwelterweight win, Lubin big win.

Tank, is the synthesis of the boxing perfection, on the fact that it really hurts is not discussed anymore; after having put away Barrios a real and strong superlight.

The first five rounds as if he did not want to fight, study, careful defense, control research of the entry and the series to do damage to the opponent from the sixth begins to work, then stops and reflects, the eighth enters brings devastating blows that twice send down the Mexican, who stands up stoically and resumes the match, everything lasts until the eleventh where a series of deadly shots silences the ambitions of Barrios. This is the summary.

But what an incredible match, tactical study, discipline, attention and a choice of time and power as a world champion; Barrios careful, intelligent, disciplined has reshaped his boxing, since he knew he was inferior in power, he did everything he could and should do, use of jab combinations or shot and then return to defensive guard, to avoid counterattacks; but despite everything could not much when Tank decided to increase the intensity and face him face to face throwing tremendous blows, here is the whole meaning of boxing, on the one hand a great fighter: heart good technique, decent punch, decent jaw, but on the other hand timing power kd incredible, and a timing to bring the action really by the book, in short they made us witness a show that I really liked; yes in some stages there was a tactical stall, but to proceed to an incredibly monstrous and talented work at the level of resolution; Davis has really shown to be one of those fighters that with three shots or better with one can close a match even in this category, we would like to see a challenge with Taylor, (but Mikey Garcia vs Taylor would be the top, winning against Davis), one thing we do not understand are his stalls, driven almost by: ( now I put the shots I want to rest a little bit, or rather: I really do not want now, I put the series and finsco immediately the match); he is really incredible, he waited until the sixth to start, to take his distance his times, and then he played like the cat with the mouse; what to say number one, absoluoto twenty-six years, is in the Olympus, we’ll see how it goes in the future.

In the subclou,Lubin against Rosario respected the script. He won the most talented and solid Lubin without however showing that in defense there is to do, and that his cin is not as solid as it should, clear nothing to say about his victory, but will have to face Charlo again…

He wins in the sixth, a pleasant match between two talented young men and once again gives us the idea of how the world of boxing is really incredible and full of pitfalls even for talented men like Lubin, the completeness of a champion or future champion is also dictated by a mix of factors including having a dynamite jaw. Lubin won and he is the number one official challenger of the man who some years ago knocked him out in the first round, we repeat, still too immature to face, at that time, a man like Charlo, having said that we will see how and what will happen and when.

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