Problems for Ortiz; Big win for Ennis

We’re reporting one of those news stories that we don’t want to write. Ortiz the welterweight prodigy did not fight, because on Wednesday he was hospitalized…the guy has been out of action for a year..and these health problems whether they are related to weight or something else in fact are affecting his career, he is 25 years old and we hope that he will be able to solve this situation because he is a talent.

from the pugilistic point of view we witnessed a good match; he prized us of his pugilistic perfection Ennis, who found in front of him an incredible fighter Villa; who cashed in a lot of blows, always trying to put them back and until the last moment he was really dangerous, as nature has endowed him with great punch and great cashing skills ( which as we know in this sport are not always good for him. .indeed…) but it was a really highly captivating match. it ended in the tenth round Villa collapsed exhausted but stoic what Americans like.

Ennis brought all his combinations from his unusual angles, even doubling shots with the same hand there is an example direct right uppercut ( which then gives the image of the qualities of this other great welterweight who is asking for a title), and on the other this Colombian man who was cashing in and remitting or trying to do so, with an ever vigilant and Ennis who showed all his defensive skills, an enjoyable match certainly, but already from the fourth round marked by the prospective victory, of the American champion; one of those matches where the difference in the values on the field is evident, but Villa’s heart and athletic gifts brought the match to the tenth round, and to give a great prominence visually.

Villa is a very good fighter sin lacks technique, and Ennis is one who rightfully knocks on the highest doors has everything to belt a crown.

yahoo photos.