Super Shakur and company

Stevenson tonight showed against the good not to say very good fighter Yoshino, that even in the lightweights he is in another category; total control and dominance of the match as long as it lasted: to the sixth; but really total dominance not only in the offensive phases but in the defensive phases, where the body positioning allowed him to remediate, after egregious defense, and how he remediated, to make a Japanese warrior put his foot down twice is for the few; he rightfully enters a hall of fame ; really I say impressive the speed with which he placed his quick explosive deadly loose series, let’s premise that it doesn’t hurt, but his accuracy and speed and the blow brought to perfection causes the damage, but of his own it wouldn’t hurt; well my lords here we are close to perfection, really we are going to see some great things, if his interests are taken care of as he has done so far, to the Japanese we say thank you more he couldn’t have done.

Big Baby took one bite out of the good Arias; until the third we saw some study boxing, but as soon as Big started to put on a good set at the end of the third, the corner rightly didn’t let his boy in; for this gentleman here it takes top 15 people to see a good match and it’s not certain that the challenger will hear the gong ring; there is to be careful but Jared is a monster we like him very much;and in our opinion he can still improve at the technical level.

Keyshawn Davis dominated a good Anthony “Can You Dig It” Yigit who could never catch him we think he never put a clean shot to the face, to the body yes but never clean; he boxed in left guard changing him who is right; this gentleman here will also go a long way; he is strong he looks like a Shakur who by the way is a sparring partner of his, deadly in the defensive-offensive phase what a show; again the match in fact ended in the ninth the referee after another attack with series by the American stopped Yigit for mainfest inferiority, some may be disagreeing but he did well;

Bum Rodriguez won ( easy prediction) the fly world championship against Gonzales on points; and our Fundora lost by knockout in the seventh, against a Mendoza who is always there in disbelief; he started more slyly than usual; he boxed logically without risk but in the seventh he took a left hook which was followed by a devastating right; we are sorry because we think Mendoza is much inferior, but he won, we don’t know why Fundora seemed slower than usual to us, after all maybe he squeezed himself so much this super boxer who defeated Lubin in an inhuman battle just a year ago; we hope he can get well soon face and we wait for him; we also like him very much with his extreme fighter style;a really unexpected setback that makes us remember that boxing is also made of that punch that can change everything.

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