Shakur up lightweight go WBC

Great boxing this weekend in the U.S.A. in New Jersey at the home of the very strong Skakur the WBC light heavyweight, the American phenomenon already featherweight and super featherweight world champion rises in the new category; first testing test in our opinion; the Japanese is very solid, maybe single-minded and less fast than the phenomenon, but it will be a tough fight for Stevenson who will have for the first time as a pro a man bigger than him,and we repeat solid; we do not know what kind of game plan the Japanese will show us but we would like to be at ringside. before him in the main card Davis vs. Yigit also this will be a good fight, maybe Yigit can get to the tenth round, he lost before the limit but from bigger people and in a category not his natural one, but honor to him because he fought; in Europe he is very good as an element but against Romero and the Belarusian he lost before the limit he lacks cin and power but we like very much how he moves if trained well and with good game plan he can get to the end of the fight standing, and we will also essay the power factor of the Davis phenomenon. Among the heavyweight Big Baby vs. Arias excellent match; the former is going for a title a race maybe for him, very young,but they are pushing him as he really wants to emerge, he has talent timing a good punch that everyone has to fear in the category, we don’t think Arias will make it to the tenth round.

In California and we would also like to be here Fundora vs. Mendoza for the WBC interim superwelter, well Sebastian is formidable technician and he really hits hard; he does incredible boxing he is very tall he approaches and works to the short middle without giving a chance, unbelievable but true, and he does an endless amount of work with series of blows that seem to never end and go in; Fundora is on the rise, Mendoza is solid, but if he doesn’t prepare a perfect plan he risks not to make it to the sound of the utmost gong.

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