Ruiz win on Ortiz

Great Great match!!! it was a world elimination, in the audience was a certain Dontay Wilder, so to watch..los Angeles great place for boxing, and great location.

The match was unbelievable, King Kong went down three times, twice in the second and once in the seventh, but in spite of that he was always very dangerous, that’s when they say that when you get to the top of the division, Ortiz is a top fighter to win you have to sweat until the last second and Andy The Destroyer Ruiz knows that and he understood that this time too.

was good the Mexican big guy to put it back on, keep his hands up and put some killer shots, even cashing punches that were really important. Great sportsmanship between the two, but borderline blows; at some junctures Ruiz in more than a couple of circumstances brought his head under and made room to strike..K.K. he showed how his experience between amateurism and professionalism ( of course premised that he is a very good element) have led him to be a top fighter (status that he maintains) despite the no longer tender age, but remember in that category the discourse is different because here a punch can make and makes the difference as opposed to others( although then in boxing is always a punch that makes the difference)…

Powerful mobile technicians endowed with excellent jaw, the difference besides age and athletic status was made by that tactic that Ruiz executed excellently, always out of the left jab of Ortiz moving also to his right but first going out of measure..and then coming back in with a faster series, when this did not happen Andy paid the price, but here we talk about champions, there is always a price to pay.

Unbelievable the amount of exchanges of blows that there was even in the moments when Luis seemed to suffer or actually suffered, he was always able to put back and keep the attention of the Mexican big guy who at the weight was not really in good shape, but he really did his duty as a boxer.

Great sportsmanship, we repeat great experience and small wrinkles subtle to the eyes, but perceptible in evidence; great timing, great technique twelve rounds on the line where in every second something little could have happened to tilt the needle in the other direction.Too bad not to be there to talk and write..Technique speed jaw heart punch the weapons of the boxer, we will see now what will organize his promoter who has the power to do a lot..

Ortiz is a very good element always able to challenge anyone in the category, clear the passage of time does not help him for sure, Andy if he trains is really gifted with talent and power as well as head and tactical intelligence; great match really really good.

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