Cobbs super win on Hooker

Beautiful and unexpected for many, but not for us his fans, sorry for the cheering, but we like this over-the-top fighter with an established rapper look.

Blair in the first two rounds put down Maurice who got back up and stoically finished the match, a match that the Flair deservedly won, against an opponent who was given as a favorite, partly because of his fuller experience and partly because of his talents, but Blair won and convinced, we just wanted to say, we don’t know if he will ever make it to a world change, but last night he carved out a little corner and we hope to see him soon fighting again for a higher goal

on this side of the world Conlan beats Marriaga, on his return we remember him, after the bad knockout he suffered from Wood, good match and again we see what will happen there is talk of a rematch with Wood, but will it be the right way to go?!..

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