Ortiz McKinson

Golden Boy’s Grand Prairie, Texas,great night of boxing we would really like to be there.

Among the matches in addition to the one mentioned above that interests Ortiz for his path; we also highlight the big fight between Cobbs ( whom we follow with particular attention given his extreme likability) and the strong Hooker, who has lost only to Ramirez before the limit and Ortiz itself sort having only two defeats. In our opinion Cobbs who starts as an underdog could do well..and win we hope so, it will not be easy, but in our opinion he can do it is an in or out of the ring that counts .

Ortiz is off to a good start, McKinson is a decent all-win fighter he is also solid, but he doesn’t hurt, or rather that power you have to have in your gloves to stop people like Virgil, because if he doesn’t feel bad he won’t stop and the outcome is a foregone conclusion. It is expected to see how the physical will react after the serious problem that kept him out of the game for a year; but we are confident that he will be ready; we would have liked to have seen this match at ringside, dreaming is always possible..

immage yahoo