Opetaia Ibf Champ

Great boxing match!!!

Opetaia showed that he has great numbers to be fast with his hands to have a great athletic condition and a beautiful jaw and a great heart since it broke during the match and he boxed as if nothing happened, same thing for Briedis who broke his nose at the first here is the premise, which gives us an idea of these two great champions

Opetaia was faster more incisive he brought more blows he controlled even in difficult moments, he cashed in three right hands I think in the eighth and in the seventh however he brought a left uppercut that the Lithuanian held but we don’t know how he did it. We saw a phenomenal technical repertoire, combinations dodges returns strikes brought with incredible timing, which make us realize how beautiful boxing can be, and at the same time difficult.

the match was balanced let’s say, but seeing it from the outside, clear appeared the dominance in some moments at some junctures and round after round evident the fact that, the young Australian, nibbled blow after blow clinch after clinch combination after combination a deserved victory,sweated suffered.

A middleweight pace, impressive speed,two three blow combinations, cin from trucks, well we saw a stellar match, who knows the spectators how they must have rejoiced and suffered; for continuous exchanges of combinations a succession of tactical movements serious blows, truly a remarkable and beautiful spectacle; we love boxing for this; what a fighter these Australian gentlemen have.

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