Munguai win on Ballard and Brook on Khan

Tonight we have not witnessed a great boxing show.

In Mexico at the home of the young middleweight, Jaime, now established boxer with a belt on his shoulder, the show was not worthy of what you can expect, we first believed that the American boy, could provide a better test, to worry more about the star that now shines in the firmament of boxing that at only 25 years will offer us great shows; We like the fact that he is constantly improving tactically, he certainly has limits as a kd power but he has the heart desire to do, tonight too few three rounds for him, but we know that a blow when it arrives makes a difference, and that left hook in the third has actually closed the match. Munguia is a young Boxer is a champion and we will see some great impact fights soon.

Brook has destroyed Khan, even here the gap was huge, we knew it was there, but we thought Amir could provide evidence of a better boxing, of a speed that at least in the first few rounds should not be lacking, with its consequences on the development of the match, instead it was a total disaster, we have seen what causes boxing when you start young, you have made a good career not at the level of P4P but as world champion, and a test like this decrees inexorably the end of a career. We were sorry to see it end like that, but this is the law of the ring; unequal match, that the referee at the sixth round ended avoiding more serious damage to Amir, who was no longer able to react, already from the third round Kell was waiting for the moment, always in a running phase, to strike and stop the match.

We would see a good match for Brook against his compatriot who is now on the crest of a wave, it could be a good match, Brook has nothing to prove, but it could be (with high risks) a way to come out with another six-figure sum, and if the young Destroyer, would pass this test too (he should succeed) but would sweat more than expected, then the way is clear.

Boxing is a stupendous sport but with inexorable verdicts that highlight the reality that can be a good beginning, a good end and that certainly gives you a picture of how you as an athlete are at that precise moment, an instant that is the result of the struggles of a lifetime.
