Ryder win on Jacobs by SD

Tonight in London took place this elimination between Jacobs and Ryder at super middleweight level for the WBA.

Ryder won by split decision and he lost the first few rounds, but from the sixth round onwards Ryder took the lead and put Jacobs in trouble; in our opinion Jacobs, despite the verdict, did not lose this match; he would have won because he had the best shots and technically he came out of difficult situations, showing a certain technical superiority; but Ryder made the match at an activity level, he landed a higher number of shots, and despite the obvious technical limits he imposed his own law. What we want to say is that in such a match where in the second part Jacobs seemed tired a couple of times in difficulty, absent in some stretches, and in continuous physical fatigue, such a decision does not create a turmoil. A match not easy to judge just for the net division from the sixth onwards and that does not make cry to the scandal, if Jacobs had brought some good shots in the last two we think it would have gone to him the match, but so it was not.

Boxing is a ruthless sport also because things like this can happen, Jacobs was stationary since 2020 and it showed and in our opinion in a weight that is not his, but probably can no longer make the medium… Ryder is a good solid element, but he doesn’t have the technical skills to hold a title and defend it with the super middleweight that are around; Jacobs trained and with a different mental approach could have done well; but we are not judges we are writers.

Let’s see what will happen Mr. Hearn has money and promotes events he can do a lot for his boy, but then you need the skills and the supermediates of the moment are all stronger than him.

photo boxingscene.com