Conceicao, Makabu

The rematch between Conceicao and Valdez should be a done deal, after the spectacular victory of this Brazilian boy (who is not really a boy, 33 years old) but he is a very good fighter, technical, fast and careful; but in the first round he risked to send everything up in the air for a left hook taken slowly that sent him in tilt, and we think the bell allowed him to save the match; Martinez we could not understand how, after a really good first round, he has retired, he has always been very careful in defense, he has also put back the blows, but he seemed a little scared, maybe the blow on the eye, his young age, for a match a challenge to get to the world championship, too bad we like him, but he did not convince us, maybe those are the limits that come out and who knows…. …maybe too early for such a goal, maybe the Brazilian guy is too strong for him at the moment.

Makabu won, but in our opinion he did not convince us at all, indeed if it were not for the title this was a match that he would have lost, the cleanest and most effective blows were of his opponent, a really good fighter composed careful, alert, excellent attacks in series and also in the single shot, exciting match at times, not beautiful because between two lefties, but one of those matches that expose the skills of a boxer and the champion who has been confirmed has many, or rather in this match has highlighted many, it took a long time to find the distance, he took too many shots, was incorrect hitting after the gong, we did not like . . for sure he is solid but he didn’t seem fast, fresh…in fact in some moments he seemed tired, very tried, in our opinion a draw would have been much more welcome.

Bryan won against our Guidry, who had only four weeks to face the match, in the last round he went down, but until then he didn’t demerit at all, maybe with another game plan and a better preparation, it would have gone differently, but we know that in boxing things have to happen when they have to happen… Bryan says to the world of heavyweight that there is to us it seems an element that but it can not serve in the elite, but in his hand he has a belt and let’s see what the future will give him; for our Guidry the hope that with some tweaks other challenges will be able to support them in a category, indeed in the category of boxing par excellence.
