Ortiz win

Just closed one of the match of the beginning of the year;Ortiz vs Martin.

The Cuban won, better technically faster with more experience; but it wasn’t a walk in the park King Kong went down twice in the first and fourth. They are heavyweights hurt, one shot can really make a difference. According to us Ortiz, who is very careful in the defensive phase, even if he keeps his hands very low, he didn’t see those two shots that sent him down, and he didn’t expect them for sure; the first one was a left jab and the second one was a jab from the middle that was really nice, here in our opinion the gong saved him; and then in the sixth a masterpiece left jab that caught Martin unprepared, who was already to be counted, as helpless but standing and with his hands down (it seemed he was thinking) a very peculiar episode, but the referee did not intervene and Ortiz continued until he went down the first time, then he got up and after a while the referee stopped.

To tell it like that it seems simple, but we know that Ortiz has really sweated to bring home this victory, and has risked a lot, two kd; this is to say that theory is one thing in boxing but what happens in the ring is really unpredictable; the two blows that have sent down Ortiz that in our opinion has not really calculated in his defense, he did not see them and then the epilogue as predicted but it was not so obvious. The difficulty of a sport that really is incredible, beautiful, exciting, tiring; now we will see what our King Kong will do and we hope that the American boy Charles has other possibilities, despite the outcome is for us a good fighter.

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