Gomez and Vito

Tonight was held in Newark, New Jersey, a boxing meeting with the support of FOX and PBC.

There were two matches that interested the most; on the one hand Vito of Italian origins who fought against DeLomba honest fighter and on the other Yoevil Gomez opposed to our (friend) Collard (a man who fights professionally between boxing and MMA remember that until two years ago he slept in the gym …)

Vito is very young, U.S. national winner of several titles as a junior, because in 2019 passes professional at 17 years old, we realize that in 29 months he has played 11 matches including a defeat, defeat avoidable if he had a better angle in the evaluation and choice of the opponent; he lost with Martin a man smaller than him at a weight set for not stressing the body seems to me 10 pounds more than 146 and going to set up a match to the average where Martin faster brought two shots that have highlighted the limit of this young guy, who in our opinion runs too fast, things should be reviewed and since he has the talent but has not made a path to make him already mature, boxing, there is a risk of squeezing too much. Even the ten rounds against DeLomba, we do not understand why…. Maybe he will fight in a youth world championship, we don’t know much; what remains evident, considering that he has about 160 matches as an amateur, is that they are accelerating with this young white boy… We wish him a great career, but his speed and shot must be corrected, as well as in the corner we need someone able to make different analysis matches and the opponents for such a young guy must be selected with more attention, the defeat with Martin could have been avoided, if he had faced him in a little time and in his weight with a different game plan.

Gomez is Cuban and he finished in the first round a good fighter like Collard, who goes from gloves to four ounces gloves for trade. What we have seen: excellent technique, and punch; this is atypical for a Cuban in the sense that, usually the Cubans do not go in and beat, they are more technical boxers; this instead, besides being strong, technical, having heavy hands, goes in and beats, this is what the Americans like; and this, at superwelter level, in a short time will begin to knock on important doors, if he will train and be constant, we will see good things, he is an excellent prospect