What a match guys!!…when they give you nicknames like Pitbull well it gives us an idea of what kind of fighter he can be and when they gave you Tank…; a hard fought victory, but in some places Tank has demonstrated a remarkable technical superiority; for example the twelfth round, yes that round where you don’t have to do anything wrong, he defended very well, putting excellent shots, and giving that final key to the match, message to the judges: I do what I want when and how I say…

What can I say, a great first round for Cruz who wins it, but how!!! with a swagger and incredible shots, thinking that on the other side there is a man who has always won before the limit so bring shots and expose himself well arduous brave, perhaps calculated … but approved by the result of the first round.

A continuous crescendo, blows, actions, defense, uppercuts, direct hooks, what a match!!! and what athletes facing reversals, but always, even when he lost the shots that superiority appears clear and evident and is manifested even to the eyes of the innocent non-competent, what an athlete Tank, really superlative, against an excellent Cruz.

A note in favor of Cruz’s corner that allowed him to get to the end of the match, that great plan to contain the tremendous left uppercut of Tank, really a great plan by his corner, and a great test by this guy who in our opinion is a very good element, but we know that to be champions you have to have that extra that only champions possess. Inside the phases really textbook boxing by both guys, I saw some exciting exchanges perfect hooks milimetric dodges and punches reported, really incredible, for speed, precision, intensity and elegance.

Davis always careful with Cruz constantly on the attack, but a calculated attack composed, careful and Tank ready to work to contain him with all the shots, and phases in which the roles were reversed; the theme the show really supelativo.

Great gam and plan, great athletes, great angles, great match and SHOWTIME has really projected, a planetary match from the world technical content, nice nice nice!!!