Terence Crawford NUMBER ONE

here are no words, that’s why they avoid him, this is the absolute proof.

Study, calculation of the times, of the risks, we thought he would find himself in more complex situations, given the execution times of his opponent, a super opponent; he began his surgical action minute after minute; to see his blows that would seem, they are, carried with such ease and simplicity, that maybe they do not cause damage, but they cause them if they cause them; in short, after the third began the show, in our opinion, movements, precise strokes a continuous and constant control of the ring of the distance of his opponent, who if you exclude a few moments of the seventh and other targeted moments, has never had a way to stay in the match, when challenging two champions of this magnitude there should be a distribution not fair, but in some moments clear of the forces and qualities, well this gentleman here, showed us that is another planet, because in our opinion has completely contained Shawan.

What is shocking, in our opinion, is his improvement within the match, when he takes those measures, the time and decides to enter to bring his series, when he has studied the movements and how you bring the shots, he works in those spaces finds his time and annihilates your times and from there all easy combined with the fact that his precision is chiururgical and maybe does not hurt very much, but creates important damage. We do not know what kind of injury happened to Shawn after his second takedown, but if the corner rushed to say enough something very serious happened that a few minutes from the end prevented him from continuing;

The match felt like a clear chess match. It took him a few minutes to understand how he could get in and land his shots, a few actions to understand the timing of the response and how the excellent Shawn would have reacted, and then he started dancing. In the sixth that cut has very impensierito, he started as if he wanted to close but took a long pause, in our opinion due to the cut, yes an active pause, but with more careful shots thrown and avoiding even more risks from the second part of the recovery, then after the week an increase of actions with a perfect timing, which gave the idea that he could seriously question the duration of the match and in fact it was so; What we love about these champions, is that they are constantly looking for timing and precision, from which then comes the putting their series that lead to the obvious results, this continuous search for precision and perfection after several rounds of fighting; This is the essence of the perfection of boxing in our opinion, wanting to prove you are the best in the world, applying a unique style of fighting, which highlights the perfection and improvement round after round second after second, that is fighting with people who improve despite the fatigue, despite a few blows, this is in our opinion amazing; to get out of the usual technique and enter the status of super champion, that is not to repeat a pattern, a combination, but to study a way in the opponent’s time to make him harmless; this is Crawford, perfection; a cobra that attacks, but with the strength of a hippo and the agility of a jaguar.

He has taken and studied the timing, he has started to put the shots, he has defended himself, he has faced him at the average, at the long and at the short and he has won, against a man who before tonight had never touched the ground, Crawford is in our opinion a fighter that only time will stop, because his ability to improve rouds after rounds and logic during the match, applied to actions, is destined to a continuous improvement, what a match guys!!!!!!!!!!!

Shawn did his match, he tried in every way, but in our opinion, after the third he realized that there would be much to do, he was very good at trying to put him in trouble, but his speed, his power, his pace were not enough, because in front of him, he met a superior man, where Porter is very very strong, remember he was world champion. A match that I liked very much made a lot of head and boxing, we love this sport.