Benn Granados, Lara Warringhton

Emerald Headingley Stadium and DAZN-Matchroom have offered us, Saturday night, the WBA featherweight eleminatoria between Lara and Warrington, then face the sigla champion. At the first round a clash of heads, defined as fortuitous, the referee could have recalled both but especially the English boy, who used his head in an excessive way, but before the clash fortuitous. Having said that Lara had already beaten Warrington, who is a very good element but if he had continued to exchange in that way, in our opinion he would have paid the price. We’ll see when we get the match that we’re sure to be replayed.

In the same evening Benn as a welterweight, has faced the good element Granados, but of course he is a superlightweight, who then started, as he is solid, and does well his job, to fight as a welterweight, he fought with Garcia, Broner, Porter, Esaster as a superlightweight; in short, it is one of those test matches, they say in boxing, that if you pass with flying colors, you can project yourself to more powerful fighters.

Benn won the fight, but he didn’t look to us like he could enter the welterweight elite, now it will be up to Matchroom to guide him. He took too many blows, and sometimes he felt the blows, Granados is a slugger, he hurts but not like other welterweights, he has a lot of experience having fought against world champions and coming out unscathed if you exclude Swift, so we repeat it was a good test, but too many times he missed with the left hook, he took blows in the face, after some attacks, so his defensive style must be improved, he is young and started early, now we will see what will happen, it must be said that it was a match that has offered a pleasant show, with important exchanges, good rhythm and a clear vision of how certain things go in boxing. On the one hand, the Englishman, swaggering and aggressive, who makes the match attacking the opponent and trying to unload his deadly series, and on the other hand, the boxer who takes the plane and goes everywhere, aware that he can lose, but that with one of his punches he can also subvert the forecasts. We like Granados, high head defense, great jaw and punches worthy of note.To Benn we must say thanks because he tried to finish the match before the limit, but he still needs to refine the technique.

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