Donarie big win WBC Banta

Supreme performance of the thirty-eight year old Hall of Fame, he will become it for sure, Nonito Donaire, there was no match, he won in the fourth round, nothing were worth the differences in speed and athletic freshness of Oubaali, who also sins in power against people of this caliber, we did not think it was so huge the gap, we expected a more hard fought match that arrived at the end, but Nonito is incredible and is really able to write the history of boxing.

First round of study, from the second one he started to try some shots, at the third epilogue, in an exchange the French guy goes down, gets up but after a while he comes back and in the meantime he was able to put a shot that catches Flash unprepared; at the fourth one the French guy goes down, after a series of deadly the match is over; of the Frenchman an opaque shadow, but Donaire has really shown that he is from another planet. Unbelievable, will he retire or will he continue to offer such a show and such a performance, he denied the fact that in the series where the weight is less after a certain age he offers opaque performances, he really upsets the laws of boxing, for sure the Frenchman in front of such a monster, has not been able to do his boxing, but this is boxing. Honor and credit to the great Donaire, a page of History of Boxing Anthology.

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