Figueroa champion WBC,WBA bantaweight.

Great win by Figueroa tonight, beautiful fight until the seventh.

Figueroa boxed intelligently in the first rounds and at the beginning of each round, diligently shortening the distance, paying a little bit in the initial rounds, but going to win the fight in the short distance, where Luis should have been stronger, but it was not so; this is the essence of the match.

A Figueroa careful, hard-working, and constantly looking for a short distance battle, but being very careful to avoid the most powerful shots of Luis; and an incredible stubbornness in always looking for the series and then close the distance to prevent Nery to come back. Such tactics brought its benefits.

If you look at the cards, on our Figueroa was ahead, and that deadly body to the liver in the seventh closed the dance. Really a match (that we would not have expected but we hoped) beautiful where the tactical intelligence, the desire to do, a physical power (but no one had analyzed) have made the difference, a Nery that we seemed a little undertone, of course when you have a guy with this grit, this jaw, and this desire to win combined with a brilliant tactic, it is difficult to win.

One thing that we liked a lot of Brandon is that every time he returned to the corner, even in the first round, where perhaps he was not able to bring those shots he wanted, then as the shooting went on he began to bring many shots, was that expression: as if to say ok it’s going my way. On the other side of the ring, in the other corner: something that was not going as it should. That is, in the eyes of the twenty-four year old always an awareness, that it was all in his hands, in his head, in his heart.

Good, tactical, intelligent and ruthless in hitting, we would say a perfect boxer. For Luis there will be other occasions remember that he is twenty-six years old and he is very young.

One thing that I have understood with the passing of the years and with the little experience I have had in the ring is that you understand immediately if that night you will win or lose, you understand immediately, and Brandon has understood it since the first round against all odds.