Artur the King, WBC IBF, at the belt.

Moscow, evening with people in the arena, they seem like old memories, but it’s reality. The audience, the cries of incitement.

IBF World Championship, WBC ligh heavy, confirmed, against the monster the King(16,16ko), a (in our opinion) stoic Deines, who made a really good match, he resisted ten shots, has at some junctures, especially in the initial phase of the match, brought some shots that have found, I do not say unprepared Artur, but certainly surprised him.

The action of Bertebiev is relentless, tireless, cuts the ring, brings the series, brings all the series, we have seen jab, uppercut hook to the face made with the left, and uppercut right hook, in short, high school. Defense a little more ballerina, at least apparently, but what has been clearly highlighted, for the umpteenth time is that he has an inhuman power, I say inhuman, really, Deines who comes from the category above, boxer with good integrity and good jaw was destroyed, we knew that technically was inferior, but it was heroic and stoic he brought good shots, but when the one who takes them does not move an inch, then you have to be good to move forward in the match, and Denise did, honor to him, great indeed.

Bertebiev, total control of the match, we knew, attentive, impassive, ruthless, devastating, always there, always forward to bring his combinations, already the first Dines goes down, and I remember that before this episode the German hits with a shot (in our opinion to recall official) very strong behind the neck Artur that, has not given any sign, but in our humble opinion has felt it, a hook full absolutely forbidden.

The match was beautiful, it gave a spectacle, many shots, many combinations, exchanges and at some junctures of the beautiful shots of the German, who reached the Russian, but then paid duty, given the varied difference in technique as well as kd power, in some phases intense, what makes us think, is that the fights against Artur end with a man who is devastated, destroyed, disintegrated; when he does the actions seem almost harmless, but the noise that comes in our videos is indicative of the damage he is doing, and the beauty of his technical gesture, in its simplicity is nothing short of spectacular, he brought a myriad of shots uppercuts hooks to the face to the body, everything that boxing can offer, he offers it, and with a simplicity that makes us realize how alien it is.

Great match, let’s hope Dines is ok??!!just this.Thanks King.

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