Scardina new EU champion supermiddle

Yestarday night,Daniele Scardina has become new EU champion, there is talk of a European title as next objective.

Nunez has fought against a certain Berlanga from whom, like the others, he has lost at the first round by knockout and another knockout has been suffered by the German Feigenbutz for the WBO supemedi title.

It has been a battle!!! some great technical limits have come out that has highlighted our Toretto, but he has shown to have hunger, the point is that here only the hunger is not enough. At the third round a blow of Nunez shakes Scardina and a few seconds from the end of the round, where I repeat our boy was in trouble, the referee calls a time-out to recover the mouth guard, he should have continued the action because, the mouth guard has lost who was attacking; the match goes on, good blows from both sides, what seems evident, is that Daniele, is not so incisive, because our boy brings many blows, even good, but the idea is that he is not so incisive, he does not have in his hands that blow that can make the difference.

The match goes on, Danile still holds the situation in hand, taking a few too many blows, however, due to the fact that the hands do not return to cover the blows, we arrive at the eighth round, which until about twenty-five seconds from the end, shows how Nunez can contain the blows, but suddenly comes a series of our boy, with a short right hand, which puts in crisis the Spaniard who accuses and goes down, and the referee decides to stop without even contracting the Spanish.

What jumps to our eyes: great desire to fight of Daniele, but he does not move well, too many wrong movements with the legs, arm shots, pushes the shots; good jab and right uppercut, but to review the general setting of the shots, the spostamnenti: consumes too much energy and crosses the legs; positive a great desire to do, and the idea of wanting to get ready to fight. Our analysis is in perspective of higher engagements and of a world title, there is a lot, a lot of work to do to make up for the lack of punch; considering that in that category there are very good prospects excluding Berlanga and without considering the champions of initials.

Good job Daniele, and thanks for this victory.

Prodan wins against Cristofori at the last round, and Loriga loses a match with big questions.

image from DAZN