Lopez Teofilo, Teofilo Lopez

Recently, born 23 years ago, it has unified the belts, in a category that is full of talents Haney, Garcia, Davis, those known, but full of talents that are exploding; note Verdejo, amazing how many people among the light ones, and then there are a couple of new prospects, but they’re a step behind … but they’re coming too.

He clearly defeated a certain Lomachenko, a man who wrote the history of amateur and also professional boxing, too bad he lacks power and has ventured into a category, where he cannot face people bigger and bigger than him pay duty.

Next step for Teofilo in my opinion, after a defense maybe two to go to the juniorwelterweight, which I think is a category where he will do even better, or maybe jump without defenses; and then he will move to welterweight, where these generational welterweight will pay duty, but his speed and his punch … he is ready to make predictions he is only 23 years old but he is full of 23 pawing to do well, what a boxer production we have in the incredible State, when you can give the opportunity to dedicate yourself to something, that’s what happens, not like us where boxers work hard and then go to the gym to train …

Now he enjoys a deserved victory, an exponential growth made in the last 2-3 years with this goal, beating the great champion Lomachenko, and he succeeded, there are rumors that speak of an undeserved match, his victory is deserved, he has collected from the 7 some series, he lost some shots, on the wire, because the match as they say was “close” has always replicated and then the masterpiece of 12 with that upright the cleanest and most devastating shot of the match.

Two years of concentration, dedication, and work, great result, I like Lopez, all done in the family and a belt delivered to my father ..

Great job Champ, now another kind of Olympus adventure begins and we wish you the best.

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