Good fight

Here’s what happened a few hours ago in Las Vegas.

Vianello and Pllana have not fought because they are positive opponents of covid-19.

Clavel wins on Gonzalez (mini flyweights) on points in the eight rounds; the match was interesting, many shots were exchanged and in our opinion the cards are wide for Clavel who won the match; what stood out in the eyes is that they did not hurt, or perhaps both have a granite jaw, and this is also why we really witnessed a nice match, intense exchanges, rhythm, few breaks; technical and continuity of action, all boxing blows, excellent movements, pleasant match, and two corners that have never stopped giving advice, that without the audience, you can listen really well. Gonzalez has two children, she is a mom and she trains, well said this honor to the fighter, and a special recognition to her, and good job at Clavel.

Elvis Rodriguez wins the second round against Dennis Okoth, they are junior welterweight, the superiority of Elvis is not discussed; he must however improve considerably, to think of entering a top ten category; and he will have a lot to do, for sure he does not miss the power in gloves, but on a technical level there is to grow.

Isaac Dogboe wins against Chris Avalos (as featherweight), wins by knockout in the eighth round, intense match, continuous exchanges, good rhythm. Avalos is a good fighter ,but he comes from several defeats, against the top fighters of the category, we remember Frampton, Valdez, Santa Cruz now gained weight, but he has faced them all, in addition to Ortiz and Magsayo, he lives a not easy fighter moment, because he is a good fighter, but the aforementioned are stronger, and he has faced them all, and now the defeat by Isaac who is a good fighter; but perhaps for this category is a bit small, for now he has gone well, but the road will be in climb.

Edgar Berlanga destroys Eric Moon;

there are no words for this guy, he really has C4 in his hands.

He says that knowing his opponent, as an amateur, he had prepared the match with extreme precision, he closed the match in  about a minute. Moon left immediately, almost jumping into the center of the ring, with a series; Berlanga cashed, then left; what impressed me was the left hook, which, even if not carried very well, stopped the action of Moon and then in the exchange or better in the series, next, that Edgar brought, that deadly right hook arrived that totally turned off Eric , his body enclosed and was tense, after the knockout when he went down, there was a muscle contraction, not to mention his eyes just taken completely completed off, look absent.

Berlanga is really dangerous, he does a lot, I say very badly, we will hear a lot about him, and given his truly inhuman power, he will have to pay close attention to this boy, he is destined to be a super top of the category, he certainly has technical limits, but when in the interview, he thanks the work of the  team and greets his mother, then you understand them that this young man, 22 years old, is hungry, humble and will reach very high; he was asked if he felt ready for a title and he wisely replied:  I have to train a lot, and learn a lot more. Fantastic guy.

Oscar Valdez against Jayson Velez.

Good match, pleasant intense, exchanges, rhythm; a sure superiority of Valdez who is fresher, more athletic and younger, the face of both of them was marked at the end of the match. Valdez is a wrecker, he puts a lot of shots and is willing to swap, he has a big heart and a rhythm that is impressive, with an excellent left hook, he put Velez down on the fifth rounds, he led the match and on the tenth, after the second knockdown the referee decreed the end. Valdez cannot face Berchelt, if this match, was to be a pass for the champion, it went well as a match, but there is no green light; Miquel has a jaw, hurts more, and is bigger; this match is not to be done, then they will decide. Returning to the match, Valdez showed us that he deserves the place he has in the ranking and for the future they will have to sit down; he is always a top fighter world champion in terms of featherweight.


Cover image by Mikey Williams Top Rank