Verdejo win and ask for Lomachenko

A few hours ago they fought in Las Vegas.

Between the lightweights Davis and Sanchez won the first by majority decision, they made their match, there was a kd that Sanchez suffered, but it was a pleasant and full of exchanges match, in a universe full of talents let’s not forget boxers, those like them who do it professionally and know they can’t be champions, but they love to fight.

Jules wins by majority against Jumakhonov, there have been several exchanges, very interesting and the match has been in balance, with a certain continuity of action. A better mastery of Jules’ ring has been seen, but also some defects have come out and they will have to work on that to gradually go up the rankings. Jumakhonov is an excellent solid boxer test match composed, does not give up and blows for blows.

Anderson against Perez lasted for a short while the Jared match brought his series to 5 wins before the limit, too bad because Perez on paper had to be a more significant and demanding match; but the constant action of Jared did not give way to Sanchez who abandoned after the kd, did not get up. Perez will gradually have to be busy with better-performing people to see where he can go. In his category, at the moment, there is a fair number of talents and top fighters, but the boy is young, he has time, we will see what will happen.

El Diamante, well what can I say, the match was closed within seconds of the end of the first round. Here, too, a better hold than Madeira was expected, but Felix when wearing that jab is an anthology, then he almost immediately crossed with the right a left of his opponent and we saw them that glance that makes the difference in returning, he immediately took the right distances and measures to bring the shots, and then as soon as he could he worked a couple of times he went sometimes with that hook, but he also arrived and for good. To see him so we liked him very much, but he seems to us but we know that other more probable tests will be needed after the interview he asked for Lomachenko, who defeated him at the Olympics in the quarterfinals, but in our opinion still a more demanding match and then it should be there, we are happy for this boy, his story is similar to that of another Puerto Rican, who had a bad motorcycle accident, was completely rebuilt and then became world champion of some acronym …

thank you all for the boxing evening.


cover image Mikey Williams TOP RANK