Official weight Moloney vs Baez MGM tonigh 06-25

Official weight for the battle tonight MGM Las Vegas,06-25.

Jason Moloney 117.7 lbs vs. Leonardo Baez 118.3* lbs (over weight)
(Bantamweig — 10 Rounds)

 Abraham Nova 131.9 lbs vs.  Avery Sparrow 131.5 lbs 
(Junior Lightweight — 10 Rounds)

Orlando Gonzalez 126 lbs vs. Luis Porozo 125 lbs 
(Featherweight — 8 Rounds)

Vlad Panin 149 lbs vs. Benjamin Whitaker 151* lbs 
(Welterweight — 6 Rounds)

 Clay Burns 143.6 lbs vs. Reymond Yanong 143 lbs
(Welterweight — 6 Rounds)
Waldo Cortes 246.9 lbs vs. Kingsley Ibeh 286.4 lbs 
(Heavyweight — 6 Rounds)


Moloney (20-1.17KO) is an excellent boxer and will have to overcome Baez (18-2.9KO) who is very high in his category, but has less punch, it will be a good match, but Baez seems condemned to defeat at least by the bookmakers , we want to see a good match and maybe a surprise.

Very interesting match between Nova(18-0,14ko), and Sparrow(10-1,3ko), we remember he should have faced Ryan Garcia but was arrested before the fight, for violence domestic or threats, we will se a great fight, who will win, will make a big leap, junior lighweigh,10 rouds.

Other attractive match betwen Orlando Gonzalez (14-0,10ko), of Puerto Rico, e Luis Porozo

(15-2,8ko), of Ecquador, 8 rounds.

Vlad Panin (7-1, 4KOs) will face against Benjamin Whitaker (13-3, KOs)*, two pounds off the weight signed.


Other fight bewtween  Burns  (9-7-2), contro Yanong 143pound,(10-5-1), interesting fight too.

Heavy weight Waldo Cortes  (5-2) against Kingsley Ibeh ( 3-1), that answer a call of the last second to replace other fighter.


see u later.

photo by Mikey Williams