Guido Vianello fight 09-06-2020

Vianello Guido, to open the 09-06- (06-09) in the meeting that saw Sakur vs Caraballo as main event, he start the  dances.

I like Guido !!!

I saw it during the full immersion course held in S. Maria degli Angeli, where we technicians attend and take the teachers’ diploma.

Vianello fantastic boy, I remember Emiliano held his mitts… and risked leaving his hands.

Great beautiful right !!!

I saw it very mobile, looking at it the first thing I thought: is that its healthy weight? maybe 3 kg below 4 I don’t know , it’s my very personal observation.

It was a little hasty , in placing that jab that did not always hit the mark, an imprint that shows that traces of amateur boxe  still exist in him to be filled, but that right that ended the match against a professional was good.

Taken with dexterity and rapidity, this gives very hope, it will be necessary to start raising the bar of difficulty, now he needs people with jaws, to make him grow, I am sure and I hope that the way for him is demanding and will give good results.

In its heavyweight category there are future top 10 fighters: Duboi, Joy Joice, Ajack, Hrgovic, Makmadov, Yalolov, and at the moment our Guido is there but with a wave that breaks on the shore so it will be necessary to transform it on a growing wave.

He has the means, important will be the path that will make him do, but I see it well !!!

he will be able to make some good fights and he will be dangerous for a lot of this guys our Guido !!!

From that desire to move, from the many jabs placed, from the continuous movement, I saw his desire to tell the world: there is an Italian who is training, who has been sparring with a Champ Tyson Fury, he lives in America, and will bring  italian boxing to the top, it has been a while since we have a maximum that makes us talk about Italy, with hard work and doing the right way, he will be a top 10 fighter and we hope so !!!!!! !

Keep it up Guido and thank you.

A hug from here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!