George Floyd 25-05-2020

A protester holds a sign with an image of George Floyd during protests Wednesday, May 27, 2020, in Minneapolis against the death of Floyd in Minneapolis police custody earlier in the week. (Christine T. Nguyen/Minnesota Public Radio via AP)

On the 25th of May, , George Floyd,was killed by a policeman white guy.

 an Afro-American A black man no  from another race, since the human race is only one, but just from a different color of skin. I’m a dark white man, others are  white, yellow, mulatto, but one unique  race.

He was killed by a policeman, .we have discovered they used to work together and other things

But why telling all this.

Simply because there is a racism so widespread and so established that it can’t keep going on, and also this is not only the consequence of a cultural process that doens’t start, that doesn’t go on , on the contrary it steps back.

In 1964 started the end to the racial segregation, in USA but black people who represent around 4 % of the richest, are in proportion a few compared to rich people, that to say and to point out how are and how the disparities are strong.

This is a USA system but in all the world it’s the same like inequialities.

We have to educate our children for a better futur. There is a wonderful video of two childrens who should have around 2 years old, one is black the other is white and from opposite side of the street they run after each other to hugh, it’s divin !!

Such a natural beauty an embrassing spontaneity, that melt your heart.


In the USA there are orders from the top where the police is selected with a low I.Q. because they have chosen a system based on stenght . In Italy, as an example, during the 50’s they didn’t shoot the thieves, they pursued them by foot. Now this is very different.

But the USA is a young country, there’s not yet the consideration that human beings are human beings. The color of the skin is a fact that has nothing to do with race.

The cultural growth process is behind compared to other countries that is somehow as if they wanted to stay behind, as if they wanted to always stop the growth process of development, of socio cultural improvment.

Goverments stand always against the socio-economical-cultural progress, it undermines the reins of control.

And this crazy use of the police…it would be enough saying from the inside of police stations…watch out, respect the law, we are the law.

It would be enough punishing who exercice abuse.

To wear an uniform sometimes it implies to have and to apply the power and the power if not well practised creates death.

Who is arrested in any part of the world should surely not die , on the contrary, democracy begins where and when one gets in custody by the State otherwise we’d be back to the time of the barbarians.

This is difficult and it will be hard the process which will allows social equality, less racial hate but we will have all of us speak, write and do something in everyday life that could improve something.

In addition we need to protest peacefully every time an unfair decision is taken against  one of us. Because this « someone » is who we are, all of us, as long as the idea of anything going on doesn’t concern us then we will have failed because any unfair thing happens that matters for us and we should be always be ready to a protest because inviolable rights of the mankind Liberty, Equality and Fraternity are principles we can’t forget indeed they should be always hightlighted because it seems someone forgets about it….